List of Services

I invite you to join the AMZ Power Circle Family!!!  Below you'll see all the wonderful benefits and their costs.  You'll be joining a community of sellers who share the same common goal; SUCCESS!  Not only will I be in the group daily as often as I am in my personal Facebook page but you'll be able to be inspired by other seller's successes.  Thank you for your consideration in joining our circle.  Most of our product research is done with outstanding suite of tools.  Even if you decide not to join our circle, please enjoy a discount to Helium 10 on me.  Use --> Schrone10 <---- at checkout for a 10% discount for the life of your subscription.


Cost | $500 one time payment

Facebook Activity

Currently what the Facebook activity looks like: 

Step 1:  Review and sign docusign contract

Step 2: Scheduling

Pay for membership and schedule your 90 minute included 1 on 1 session. 

 Members only  1 on 1  one hour session.   

Non Membership 1 on 1 one hour session.